Frequently Asked Questions
About Animal Chiropractic Care

Frequently Asked Questions
About Animal Chiropractic Care
- Allows your animal to live a healthier life with proper nerve function
- Promotes healing and function within your animal’s body
- Restores function and proper communication within the body
- Works to restore optimal muscular strength and mobility
- Animals are exposed to situations every day that can cause misalignment of the bones of the spine, also called vertebral subluxations.
- These situations may not seem to have an effect on them immediately, but can have a significant impact on their bodies over time.
- Chiropractors help restore function within the body through chiropractic adjustments.
- These adjustments are specific, and made within the normal range of motion of the joint.
- Once interference is removed from the nervous system, the body can begin to heal and return to optimum function.
- A subluxation is a misalignment of bone.
- This misalignment puts pressure on a nerve, which leads to dysfunction in the body.
- Restriction of movement within the joint affects the function of the existing nerve. This causes a disruption in the flow of information throughout the body.
- This disruption in the nervous system causes dysfunction within the body.
Vertebral subluxations are caused by the physical, chemical and emotional stress of daily living. Animals are exposed to situations every day that can cause subluxations. These situations may not seem to have an effect on them immediately, but can have a significant impact on their bodies over time.
- Birthing Difficulties – birth can be stressful on both the mother and baby
- Trauma – injuries, falls, slips, rough play, pulling on a leash or cross ties, pulling on the tail or any kind of force to the body can cause trauma
- Lack of Movement – sedentary animals confined in a stall or kennel can develop problems with their spine
- Body Composition – animals with long bodies are more prone to spinal injuries
- Performance – different disciplines of horseback riding and dog competitions can cause spinal stress
- Improper Foot Care – poor hoof care/incorrect shoeing and improper nail trimming can interfere with your animal’s natural movement
- Transportation – long travel time, accidents, poor shock absorption or unexpected stops can affect your animal
- Rider/Saddle – problem with the rider’s seat or a poorly fitted saddle can cause problems
- Age – as age increases, the effects of previous small and/or large traumas to the spine become more apparent
- Emotional Stress – separation anxiety, fear, etc. can cause muscle and spinal imbalance
Animals do not always show signs and symptoms when they have a subluxation. Chiropractic care is not for the treatment of disease or health problems. The following are possible indicators of spinal imbalance.
Signs and symptoms may become more pronounced after an animal has a subluxation. Animals usually attempt to compensate for spinal imbalances by changing their posture.
- decreased performance
- difficulty picking up a lead
- uneven gait
- shortness of stride
- sensitivity to touch
- refusal of a jump
- difficulty with collection
- change in behavior
- swishing of tail, pinning of ears, throwing of head
- difficulty with flexing the poll
- difficulty engaging hindquarters
- bucking
- discomfort while tacking up
Dogs & Cats
- difficulty with movement
- difficulty climbing stairs or jumping up onto a raised surface
- abnormal posture
- sensitivity to touch
- irregular gait
- stiffness after sleeping
- favoring one side while sleeping
- display of pain during certain movements or being lifted
- shortness of stride
- asymmetrical sitting position
- recurrent ear infections
- lick granulomas